Open Your Heart!

Meditation & Self-Care Coach

In yoga, heart-opening poses are not only beneficial for physical wellbeing but also for emotional healing! Think of phrases like “It hurt my heart”, “My heart felt heavy” etc. These are not just sayings, our heart is an amazing VITAL organ in our body and our overall wellness is dependent on it and therefore opening our heart and softening the general chest area is beneficial to our whole body wellness.

Our heart is associated with the feeling of love. Being able to show love and give love to those around us but also to ourselves. We also need to be able to receive love from those around us. But sometimes due to previous life experiences and the hurts that the heart experienced we choose to close it up. So how do we open it?

~YOGA POSES – heart-opening poses such as Cobra, Cow, Camel, Fish are great at opening the heart.
~AFFIRMATIONS – “I am worthy of the purest love”, “I release and let go of all resentment”, “I am loving to myself and others”, “There is an infinite supply of love”
~OILS – YLANG YLANG. Ylang Ylang is the oil of the heart. When inhaled it helps experience loving feelings towards yourself and others.  
~CRYSTALS/COLORS – Pink quartz is a great crystal to support the heart chakra. Also, the color of green is associated with the heart chakra. 

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Katie Yev

