Jacqui Taaffe

Life Mind Coach, Creator, Thinker

Therapist & Author of INSPIRE HEAL EMPOWER 

When I was brought to the edge or some might call it a life crossroads. I had one of two choices to make, I had to decide to RISE or Fall.  

I choose to RISE! 

The life changing moment for me was when I truly recognised I was not my thoughts.

At that moment I knew’  I was good enough, I wasn’t stupid and I mattered.

You can choose to believe or not believe the following statement.

One of the kindest acts you will ever do for yourself is to arrive at an understanding that you are not your thoughts. 

                    Yes I’ll say it again’ “You Are Not Your Thoughts.”

Some experts say as humans we have between 60,000 -80,000 a day which is about 2’500 – 3’300 thoughts an hour. Other experts estimate between 50’000 thoughts a day which means about 2’100 thoughts an hour and either estimation is incredible.

Many of us on a daily basis inflict huge mental and emotional upset on ourselves by worrying, stressing about things that never happen. We limit and prevent ourselves from making choices that would enhance our lives because we believe and don’t question our thoughts.

We don’t question our inner critic and the conversation that all of us are constantly having with ourselves. We don’t talk about it!!!!!

I suggest that you’ From this moment on’ know that “You Are Not Your Thoughts.”

Your thoughts are nothing more than mental cognitions, ideas, opinions, beliefs about yourself and the world that surrounds you. Thoughts come from your life experiences, your genetics but when you become aware’ that your thoughts are only thoughts and that they’re not who you truly are. That’s when you can change your thinking and your life to be anything you want it to be. 

In media coverage about various addictions I’ve noticed that there is very little coverage with the exception of a few brilliant people about the epidemic or addiction that humans have when it comes to their thinking.  

The emotional and mental effects it’s having on our overall well-being as humans and keeping many people feeling stuck in life, feelings of not being good enough and thousands of people staying in unhappy relationships or working environments all because they tell themselves and believe that nobody else would want me.

As a consequence of those thoughts they sentence themselves to a future of daily unhappiness and place additional pressure on their mental and emotional health. 

                Remember’ Your peace of mind is precious, speak to it kindly!

My mindset to RISE formula has come from my own personal struggles and the experience of my thoughts and thinking spending 40 years feeling and truly believing that I was not good enough, I was stupid and I didn’t matter.

The “RISE” formula is a life changing and a powerful, effective practice when you choose to commit to doing it daily. 

I encourage you from now on to begin to notice, recognise, regulate your thoughts and see them for what they really are. Their thoughts, no more no less, it’s a string of letters that’s put together to form a word. 

The thought or word only becomes powerful when you believe it to be true, when you give it a meaning or a value. Choose your thoughts wisely to give yourself the peace of mind and happiness that is your birth right.

If you choose to practice my mindset to “RISE” formula you will be encouraged to practice noticing your thoughts, mentally disassociating yourself from your thoughts by looking at them, get a pen and write them down. Then start choosing and deciding what value you want to give each thought, commit to choosing thoughts that will motivate, empower and inspire you.  This practice is life changing. It has enabled me to change my life completely, write a book to overcome one of my greatest challenges in life.

Remember’ I can help you to overcome your challenges, manage that inner critic and enable you to make changes that you want to enhance your life.

Right now make an empowering choice for you by going to my website downloading your free guide (part 1 of the RISE formula) and reach out to me to book your consultation. 

My gentle reminder for you today and every day is that’                            

                          YOU ARE YOUR GREATEST ADVOCATE!

Written by 

Jacqui Taaff

Life Mind Coach, Creator, Thinker

Therapist & Author of INSPIRE HEAL EMPOWER

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Jacqui Taaffe

