The Global Interview – M.A.P.S Event Partner

Mental wellness can be defined as “a state of wellbeing in which the individual realizes his or
her abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully,
and can contribute to his or her community,” according to the World Health Organization.
Many people are starting to understand that often small improvements in wellbeing can
increase our ability to lead a more fulfilling life.
“The Most Important Things in Life are the Connections You Make with Others.” – Tom
The Global Interview is delighted to support and connect with the M.A.P.S 2021 Global
Mental Wellness and Positivity Experience from September 12th -18th. We support the
M.A.P.S vision of a world where every child and adult has the resources and support needed
to maintain mental wellness, in addition to a positive mindset that can sustain them
throughout their lives. Plus, the people providing the guidance and support are valued and
always in an excellent position.
The Global Interview is proud to be an event partner for this critical initiative. It is a pleasure
to work with Elain Sugar, Founder and Treasurer and the broader team in helping to support
the event.
About The Global Interview
We publish interviews from around the world with leading creatives, leaders, thinkers,
entrepreneurs, founders, investors, business owners and people who are making a real
difference. Find out more at

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Simon Hodgkins

